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Drug Alcohol

ISAE's alcohol and drug class for Colorado is designed for adults and teens who have received tickets for open container violations, illegal possession/consumption of alcohol, fake IDs, or other related drug and alcohol offenses. The drug and alcohol awareness class will satisfy court requirements, but is intended to do much more than that by helping participants understand the problems that arise from the use of addictive substances and the strategies available to make positive changes.


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The drug and alcohol awareness class has two versions: our standard drug and alcohol 1 day class and our intensive 2 day drug and alcohol class, which is available to adults as well as teens and their parents. Spanish classes are available for both versions.


Participants in the program will learn about the legal issues surrounding the use of drugs and alcohol, pharmacology, how behaviors are learned from parents and communities, and alternative to using these substances. We also take the time to educate participants on the other resources available to them that can support their efforts to grow and to lead healthier lives.


For teens that enroll in our intensive alcohol and drug class in Colorado, parental involvement is crucial to success. The program is designed to enrich the parent-child relationship, develop honest communication about drug and alcohol issues, and teach how to work together to overcome addiction and other issues related to the use of drugs and alcohol. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend. There is no extra cost for parents.


Invest in a healthier future by signing up for an ISAE drug and alcohol awareness class near you! Continue below to read our FAQs and more information about the class

Drug Alcohol (old Colorado DA category replaced by DA1_CO)

There are no upcoming classes at this time.


Many people have questions about how our drug and alcohol classes. Below are some of our most frequently asked questions.

1. How long does the Drug and Alcohol class take? Weekday Drug Alcohol classes are from 5pm to 10pm. Weekend Drug Alcohol Classes are 9am to 3:30pm

2. Is there a test at the end of the Drug Alcohol class? There is no test given to complete a class. A participant earns their certificate by paying for the class in full, attending the entire class, participating, and completing all class requirements.

3. Will I be required to talk during the Drug Alcohol class? ISAE highly recommends that each participant engages in class verbally and completes worksheets and class activities. As part of the process of accepting responsibility, each participant will start by introducing themselves: name, age, describing the situation (When? Where? Substance/Paraphernalia?), what they would do differently, and what are they expecting to get out of class.

4. Is my information kept confidential? Every participant's information is kept confidential. Doors are closed and only those required to be in class will be allowed. Exceptions are translators, if it is a parent-teen class, a minor who is a run risk and needs close supervision, and/or a participant with other disabilities, etc.

5. Are there breaks for meals and can I bring food? Yes, there are two breaks for 10-15 minutes each. Weekend day classes also offer an additional 30-minute lunch break. Participants can bring food, especially for the weekend day classes. Minors are not allowed to leave the premises, so they are always reminded to bring a lunch and/or snacks.

6. What if I miss my class? Can I reschedule? If a participant misses their class, they can contact the office on the next business day between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm to reschedule.

7. Who are the instructors of the Drug Alcohol Class? Instructors are Certified in Addictions or licensed professionals, in various career fields, mental health counselors, substance abuse counselors, professionals in the criminal justice field or in the medical field, just to name a few. They are trained extensively by ISAE before facilitating a class and ISAE provides ongoing training, updates, and evaluations with instructors. The majority (if not all) of the instructors are currently working in their field and have been for years and some instructors have been employed by ISAE for more than 10 years.

8. When will I receive the certificate of completion? Once payment is received in full, each participant will receive the certificate immediately once class is over.

9. What other advice do you have for people attending the class, for their experience to be as comfortable as possible? Participants should prepare themselves for the class by getting enough rest, eating a meal or snack prior or bringing one, taking off sufficient time to get to the class on time due to heavy traffic in Colorado, wearing comfortable clothes that they can sit in for five to six hours, take medications as scheduled unless it has a sleepiness side effect. Try to postpone if possible, if a person has any physical health problems, bring what they need to support them (like a pillow to sit on or for their back, stand up), bring a water bottle, something to write on (most locations do not have tables), wear clothing that helps to adjust the temp in their bodies (sweater, short sleeves, pants, shorts, etc.) and most importantly of all, allow themselves to be open to hearing and experiencing new things, as it makes the time go by quicker and it makes learning fun!

About The ISAE Alcohol Awareness and Substance Abuse Class

The ISAE Drug Alcohol class is designed to help each participant address substance abuse issues in their lives and make positive change. We know that substance abuse is a struggle for many people. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2017. Unfortunately, not everyone receives the help they need. In fact, only about 19% of people who need treatment actually received it, according to the NSDUH study. Because many studies show that the impact on society by substance abuse is so high, we are committed to helping people grow. We also know that substance abuse is not an easy struggle to overcome, with studies showing that relapse rates are between 40-60%. That is why our course is designed to address the most important issues standing between you and a positive, healthy future.

Topics Covered in the ISAE Drugs and Alcohol Class

Legal Issues of Using Drugs and Alcohol

In the criminal justice system, a person is typically treated as an adult at 18 years old. However, when it comes to the drugs and alcohol laws, a person is still a minor under 21. Whether you reside in a Home Rule or a Statutory City will impact the consequences you face from the court. A Home Rule is the power of a local city or government that sets up its own system of government without receiving a charter from the state. A Statutory City is granted by the state and is subject to provisions and limitations imposed by the state. There are 96 home rules and 162 statutory cities in Colorado. Amendment 64, Personal Use and Regulation of Marijuana was updated on September 6, 2012, such that any person 21 years or older and up can use up to 1oz of marijuana recreationally. For medical marijuana, the age requirement is 18 years old, and qualifying adults can be prescribed up to 2oz. The laws outline 5 offenses for violating the marijuana drug laws for adults and 2 offenses for juveniles. Those violating drug and alcohol laws can be charged a petty, misdemeanor and/or a felony charge. There is also a Protection of Minors law for any adult (18 years and older) who is contributing to the delinquency of a minor in which the adult can be charged a class 4 non-drug felony, punishable in prison between 2 to 4 years in prison

Pharmacology of Alcohol and Other Substances

There are 3 categories that any drug falls under: Depressants, Hallucinogens and Stimulants. When substances are mixed together it has a significant impact on its effect in our bodies. The interaction of drugs can fall in one of these categories: antagonistic effect, synergistic reaction, additive effect, and independent effect. The Antagonistic Effects is when mixing drugs from different classifications can cancel out the effects of the other drug. A Synergistic Reaction occurs when the interaction between the drugs is greater than just adding the influence of one drug with the other. In the Independent effect, the influence of one drug has no effect on the other. In the Additive effect, two drugs combined produce a total effect the same as the sum of the individual effect of a drug.

Learned Behaviors from Parents, Peers and Communities

This section is also discussed at the same time when we are discussing family dynamics and I + A = A (Influences + Attitude = Action). Influence is something or someone that could consciously or unconsciously affect your thoughts, feelings or actions. Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about something or someone that is reflected in our behavior. Actions are our behavior. Once we become influenced, we develop a certain attitude about it and we behave in that manner. The drugs and alcohol class will also discuss how our influences affects whether we use drugs and/or alcohol or not. ISAE focuses on choices and consequences; we are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choice.

Genetics and Biochemistry

The drug and alcohol class will cover basic information around the pharmacology of substances, how genetically everyone is different and has different bodily responses, and the effects upon the body when substances are combined. ISAE makes sure the class stays a level of understanding for all ages from 12 years and older.

Alternatives to Using and Resources

A person must first identify their situational triggers and then think about their red flags in their life. Situation triggers are the situations, events or people that end to cause use to get angry, violent, etc. Red flags are the warning signs that identifies problems in your life. People must then try to find resources to support a change in their behavior. The next step would be to identify their positive immediate and preventative coping skills. If a person needs more support because doing this alone is hard, they can contact agencies to support them. In our drugs and alcohol class packet, we provide resources called Where Do We Go From Here that list a significant variety of resources for additional support.

Family Dynamics of Chemical Dependency and Self-Assessment

Family dynamics (as well as friends) play a significant role in determining how a person develops proper coping skills. The ready availability of drugs and alcohol can be a strong factor in a pre-teen up to teen developing a habit. The minor self-assessment used in the drug alcohol class is called What Determines Your Response to Substances. In the assessment, the participant identifies the key factors in their life that may have played a role in their substance use, abuse, or dependency: Chemical, Person and Environment. Use is defined as 2-4 times per month, Abuse as using 2-4 times per week, and Dependency as daily use of substances.

Calculating Blood Alcohol Levels

Blood levels for drugs can be only be tested by a blood or urine test. When a charge involves drugs, most police will ask for a blood test instead of urine. However, blood levels for alcohol can be tested by a breathalyzer, blood and urine test. On average a .02 BAL (blood alcohol level) would consist of drinking one of the following: one 12oz beer, 4oz glass of wine, or a one 1oz shot of 80 proof liquor, with an average of 2 hours for the body to rid itself of the alcohol. However, many factors change the estimation of a person’s BAL and their rate of absorption, such as height, weight, sex, genetics, and food.

Developing Effective Coping Skills

People use drugs and alcohol for two primary reasons: to increase pleasure or to decrease pain. If a person does not find proper coping skills, they will create a habit of use that can eventually lead to dependency. Coping Skills are methods a person uses to manage and reduce the stress they feel as a result of a stressful situation. Coping skills help us deal with our anger in a positive way, rather than getting violent or using other unhealthy coping methods such as drugs or alcohol. When a person does not identify positive coping skills, they have a difficult time dealing with stressful situations in a positive way. We have two different types of Coping Skills: Immediate and Preventative. Immediate coping skills are used on the spur of the moment to deal with unexpected or volatile situations. We often have no warning that we will need these coping skills. Preventative coping skills are mechanisms we should be practiced regularly to maintain a healthy body and attitude. Preventative Coping Mechanisms are part of our daily or weekly routine to keep stress at a minimum.

If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

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I.S.A.E. National Headquarters

850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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