The best way to meet your court requirements without having to change your daily schedule is to taking court ordered classes online with ISAE. Taking classes with ISAE removes the added stress of having to take time off of work/school or arranging for childcare. Our classes work on all internet-connected devices, so pick your device and get started now!
Convenience and Confidentiality
By taking a court ordered class online, you can start and stop the course whenever you want, as many times as you want. Taking your class online lets you work around your schedule, keeping stress to a minimum. Since you won’t need to attend a class with other people, all of your personal information is kept 100% confidential.
All of our online classes are fully narrated in between the interactive elements, so you can listen to the classes instead of reading! You can listen to your court ordered class online while completing your daily tasks such as cooking dinner, cleaning, or anything else you need to get done during your busy day.
Start and stop on YOUR schedule
Once you begin a class, you have 72 hours to complete it. Within the 72 hour timeframe, when and where you work on it is entirely up to you!
Full narration
If you prefer to listen rather than read along, you’ll benefit from our fully narrated courses!
Avoid driving to and from a classroom
Our online court ordered classes save you time since you won’t have to travel to the classroom. Take your class at home, on the bus, or wherever you need to!
Personal improvement
In addition to meeting your court requirements, our online classes are designed to truly help you. By the time you finish, you’ll have learned how to make better decisions in all areas of your life!
Receive a Certificate of Completion
After you complete an online class, you will receive an official ISAE certificate of completion via email for you to present to your court or referring agency!
About ISAE court ordered online classes
Our classes are created to be accepted by the court and are designed to create minimum disruption to your life. We provide high-quality court ordered classes online for requirements imposed by employers, courts, state agencies, probation officers, and schools, or for self-help purposes. We also provide two online defensive driving courses for help after you’ve had a driving-related offense.
When you take one of our court ordered classes online, we will provide you with all the same benefits as attending our physical class. These benefits include implementing the four learning modalities: seeing, hearing, moving, and touching. Our classes are fully narrated which supports those with learning disabilities and for parents that may be concerned about her child attending a physical class--all ages online are appropriate!
You can take our court ordered classes online at your pace, which allows you to start and stop at any time and as often as necessary to accommodate your schedule. The courses are provided in a multi-mobile platform that can be completed on any device that has access to the internet:
• Desktop computers
• Laptop computers
• Tablets
• Smartphones (Apple or Android)
Sign up and start your court ordered class or defensive driving course online now!