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Level 2 Defensive Driving Online

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ISAE online classes are available in all 50 states.

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After sign up, we will email your online class log in information to you. If you wish to log in and begin your class immediately, click the log in button which will appear on your payment receipt page. When your class is complete, and your class work has passed our staff review, your certificate of completion will be issued. You can log back in to your class and download your certificate there, or you can find it in your email box.

Class Description

About our defensive driving online school

This is an online class and can be completed on a computer or mobile device. It is your responsibility to ensure that your court or referring agency will accept an online class This level 2 online defensive driving class is designed for aggressive and impulsive drivers who require a more advanced class. Equivalent to 8 hours. We also provide a level 1 defensive driving class online for those facing minor traffic violations.

Defensive Driving School Online Overview:

The online Level 2 Defensive Driving Course for all ages class provides critical education and intervention information to repeat traffic violators and traffic offenders who are in need of more extensive anger management and impulse control training from a defensive driving school. This section of our online defensive driving school is designed for drivers with a wide range of unsafe driving habits. These unsafe driving habits include speeding, drinking and driving, and driver-initiated "attention distracters." The online class is presented with both pre- and post-attitude questionnaires, lectures, and visual aids. Through the development of skills in managing time, stress, and anger, as well as impulse control techniques, students of our online defensive driving school learn to become safer and more empathetic toward other drivers. Participants will develop more awareness of how their poor driving choices are negatively impacting their personal lives, the lives of other drivers and pedestrians, and their own legal driving privileges. Topics of the Online Defensive Driving Course Include:
  • Values Clarification & Influence Examination
  • Proper Use of all Occupant Restraints
  • Selecting Driving Speeds & Calculating Stopping Distances
  • Personal Choices - Drugs, Alcohol and Driving
  • Aggressive Driving and Developing Self De-Escalation Skills
  • Identifying & Eliminating Driver Distractions
  • Behavior Modification Contracts & Personal Goal Setting
  • Traffic Laws Specific to Colorado Drivers
  • Proper Vehicle Maintenance & Vehicle Emergency Kits
Who should sign up for our online defensive school?
  • Adults and juveniles facing several traffic violations
  • Clients who need additional education on general driving guidelines
  • Anyone wanting to improve their driving skills
I.S.A.E. can accommodate all indigent clients as determined by the referring agency.

At ISAE, we conveniently offer our Defensive Driving School online in several states throughout the country, including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Sign up for our defensive driving school today!

Defensive Driving Course



If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

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I.S.A.E. National Headquarters

850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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