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Terms and Conditions

Class Fees: Fees for classes are non-refundable and non-transferable. Pre-payment is required for all services. CLASS REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED AND CONFIRMED.


For Online Classes: After a student logs in to begin their online class, they will have 72 hours to complete it. Students must satisfactorily complete all class requirements before their certificate of completion is issued. Failure to log in and begin the class within 90 days of sign up or, the court deadline (whichever is later), will be considered non-compliance.  All online course work is reviewed by ISAE's Online Verification staff members, and should be taken seriously. During the review,  students may be offered one opportunity to make changes to their work and/or their 300-word essay, when the initial attempt is found to be unsatisfactory. The use of Plagiarism or Artificial Intelligence (A.I) will automatically result in failure of this course.  

Artificial intelligence (A.I) of any type in conjunction with your Essay or short answers is detectable and Not Accepted in Any part or form. When a student is offered the opportunity to make changes, the changes must be re-submitted within 30 days. Failure to comply will be reported as a "No Show", and no refund or certificate will be issued.


For Virtual Classes and Online:  

Students are required to provide legal Identification (I.D.)  when checking in to their class. Identification(I.D.) is not required for Online Classes.

I understand my virtual class will be recorded and screen shots will be taken. ISAE reserves the right to withhold the certificate of completion in the event of inappropriate behavior, remarks, or statements in the classroom or during an online class.  Failure to comply will be reported as a "No Show", and no refund or certificate will be issued. 

Court Acceptance Guarantee

Our Court Acceptance Guarantee for Online Classes

In the event the student's court does not approve of ISAE's online class, documentation from the court must be provided, and addressed to ISAE stating they will not accept our online class, and the reason why.  Class fees will be refunded to the student at that time.


If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

Call with Questions


I.S.A.E. National Headquarters

850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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