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Defensive Driving Courses In Person and Online

Some of the traffic tickets people often are cited for include speeding, driving while drowsy, driving distracted, or driving while failing to follow other common rules of the road. Others come to our defensive driving class because they want to be more cautious, informed and defensive drivers. Another reason to take a defensive driving class is to decrease insurance policy rates. No matter why you may need a defensive driving class, you can take your defensive driving class with ISAE! Our defensive driving classes are extremely popular and available both in Colorado and online in all 50 states!


Our online defensive driving course is available in all 50 states!


Get answers to our most commonly asked questions about our Colorado traffic classes.

(Are you outside of Colorado? Take our online defensive driving classes!)

Level 1 1st Response Defensive Driving

Online Classes:

level 1 1st response defensive driving
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$60.00 or less
level 1 1st response defensive driving


$60.00 o menos

Scheduled Classes:

level 1 1st response defensive driving
Saturday February 1, 2025 9:00am to 1:00pm
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$60.00 or less
level 1 1st response defensive driving


miércoles febrero 26, 2025 5:00pm a 9:00pm
$60.00 o menos
level 1 1st response defensive driving
Sunday March 2, 2025 9:00am to 1:00pm
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$60.00 or less
level 1 1st response defensive driving


martes marzo 25, 2025 5:00pm a 9:00pm
$60.00 o menos
level 1 1st response defensive driving
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am to 1:00pm
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$60.00 or less
level 1 1st response defensive driving


martes abril 22, 2025 5:00pm a 9:00pm
$60.00 o menos


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Colorado Traffic School

1. Can I take a Colorado traffic school for a speeding ticket?


Yes, you can take the ISAE defensive driving class for a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets are one of the most common reasons people enroll in traffic schools in Colorado (also known as defensive driving classes). If you have received a speeding ticket and are looking for a traffic school, ISAE can help. We provide a Colorado traffic school online and in-person across the state, in cities like Fort Collins, Denver, Colorado Springs, and all along the Front Range.


2. Does traffic school dismiss tickets?


Taking a defensive driving class will not dismiss your ticket, with some occasional exceptions. However, there are many benefits to taking a defensive driving class. Traffic school attendees can earn an auto insurance discount (or prevent an insurance premium increase), can avoid having a driver's license suspended, and can remove points from a driving record. You will also better understand the laws, reducing your chance of getting another ticket!


3. Does traffic school erase points?


Taking a defensive driving class can erase insurance points on your driving record. Erasing points from your Colorado DMV record is one of the top benefits of taking a Colorado traffic school. Don't let your insurance rates climb or risk getting your driver's license suspended. Sign up for a traffic class online or in-person today and take care of that speeding ticket.


4. How much does traffic school cost?


ISAE traffic classes range from $60 to $110, depending on which level you need to take. Of course, each dollar you spend attending a defensive driving class will save you money on your insurance. You may also reduce the fees you owe your court for your ticket. Attending an ISAE Colorado traffic school for your speeding ticket is a no-brainer.


5. How often can you take defensive driving?


You can take ISAE defensive driving classes as often as your court will accept them. If you are unsure, please ask your court. ISAE offers a level 1 and Level 2 Defensive Driving Programs. If you have already taken a Level 1, It might be in your best interest to sign up for our Level 2.


6. Is traffic school easy?


Yes, ISAE traffic school is easy! As long as you pay attention and ask questions, you shouldn't have any trouble passing the test at the end. Many people believe that taking a traffic class is going to be time-consuming and difficult. ISAE works hard to make your experience with us as easy and painless as possible. Safer driving is worth taking the effort to learn! Take one of our Colorado traffic schools for speeding and other tickets, online and in-person. You can find our classes in Denver, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, and elsewhere along the Front Range.


ISAE Colorado Traffic School Information

Here are some hard facts gathered by, the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Transportation.


  • Distracted driving accounts for approximately 25% of all motor vehicle crash fatalities.
  • Approximately 660,000 drivers use their cell phones while driving during daylight hours.
  • In 2015, 391,000 injuries were caused in distracted driving related accidents.
  • 9 people in the U.S. are killed each day as a result of crashes involving a distracted driver.
  • It takes only 3 seconds after a driver's attention has been diverted from the road for a crash to occur.
  • Distracted driving is commonly referred to as the "new drunk driving"


For many of us in today's society, it is believed that driving is a common daily activity that doesn't require much thought or consideration. When in fact, the reality is that there are 3,287 deaths each day due to fatal car crashes and these deaths all stem from a cause that is completely preventable!


Even though you may have received a ticket for speeding, defected vehicle, driving drowsy, violating the child restraint laws, impulsive driving, under the influence, road rage or the use of a cell phone, and now you have been court ordered to complete a defensive driving course or attend "traffic school," well, it's really not as awful as you may believe. A defensive driving course has significant potential to benefit all drivers, regardless of age or driving ability. A defensive driving class has been proven to be effective towards improving good driving habits.


ISAE offers the latest and most effective informational Defensive Driving course for Level I and Level II online and in a classroom setting. Our class goes beyond your typical traffic school classes that are court ordered. Our classes are designed for adults and juveniles facing minor traffic violations and wish to reduce points on their driving record or discount insurance rates, those who need education and improvement on general driving guidelines and anyone wanting to improve their overall driving skills.


Distracted driving is a complex issue within today's society, affecting drivers across all age groups. ISAE believes that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER; therefore, we delve into the scary facts and the truths behind this new epidemic by digging into these issues and contributing factors. Our focus increases your awareness around emotional EQ vs. IQ, the dynamics of a crash--this pertains to how speed, place of impact and size of vehicle affects the severity of the collision, the Sphere of Influences, the dangers of driving under the influence (DUI, DWAI and DUID), rules of the road, crash prevention techniques that touches on a long list of driving tactics including proper following distances, scanning roadways, sharing the road with other vehicles, proper passing procedures, speed adjustments in different weather conditions and knowing your vehicle's braking distance, facts around adult vs. juvenile drivers and an extensive look at the importance of seat belts, head rests, air bags and child safety seats.


In short, a defensive driving course taken from ISAE refreshes your driving knowledge and teaches you to drive defensively, giving you a better foundation to make safe, quick decisions while behind the wheel. There is no need to look any further. Let ISAE be your go to provider for courses that will satisfy your court ordered requirements and enhance your knowledge and skill to reinforce positive changes throughout your life.



If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

Call with Questions


I.S.A.E. National Headquarters

850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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