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Victim Empathy Online

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ISAE online classes are available in all 50 states.

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After sign up, we will email your online class log in information to you. If you wish to log in and begin your class immediately, click the log in button which will appear on your payment receipt page. When your class is complete, and your class work has passed our staff review, your certificate of completion will be issued. You can log back in to your class and download your certificate there, or you can find it in your email box.

Class Description

Program Overview:
This program focuses on practical strategies for identifying and realigning core values and personal identity by challenging incongruencies, enhancing impulse control, understanding the impact of personal choices on self, others, community and clarifying pro-social ethics. The course will define the core of victim rights, who are the victims, areas victims are impacted, cycle of violence and establishing skills in learning to make amends. These victim empathy activities will provide education, awareness, self-assessment and strategies for positive behavior change.

All of our instructors are trained in components of Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Social Learning Theory. Research supports Cognitive Behavioral treatment methods as one of the most effective in creating emotional and behavioral change in the shortest amount of time while also being exceptionally well suited for educational group formats. The group works through curriculum within a group-dialogue process, focusing on personal accountability.

Topics Include:
Understanding Core Victim Rights
Victim Awareness (who is a victim and areas of impact)
Awareness of the Cycle of Violence Wheel
Identifying and establishing personal core values
Improving impulse control
Empathy and compassion building
Personal identify to establish accountability for crimes and acknowledge pro-social ethics.

I.S.A.E. will accommodate all indigent clients as determined by the referring agency. Clients must submit a 300-word essay to the referral source within 1 week of attending.

Who should attend?
• Clients requiring victim awareness clarification and understanding the areas of
impact towards self, other and the community.
• Clients who struggle with impulse control and victimizing others and/or property.
• Juvenile and adult clients receiving tickets for misdemeanor cases for crimes against
others or personal property.
• Anyone needing a life-skills, self-discovery and pro-social ethics improvement.



If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

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I.S.A.E. National Headquarters

850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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