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Everything You Need To Know About Court-Ordered Classes

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Court-ordered classes serve as a rehabilitative tool within the judicial system, offering a constructive approach to correcting behaviors for those adjudicated. Spanning a variety of topics such as anger management, substance abuse, and traffic violations, these mandated programs aim to educate and facilitate positive change in individuals. 

This article sheds light on the nature of these classes, including their mandatory status, the selection of program providers, and their role in addressing specific legal issues, all while focusing on personal growth and better societal integration.

What Are Court Ordered Classes?

Court-ordered classes are educational programs mandated by a court for individuals as part of a sentencing requirement or as a condition for resolving legal issues. These classes aim to address and rectify behavior related to the offense committed, covering a wide range of topics, including anger management, substance abuse, traffic violations, shoplifting, and more. The primary goal of these classes is to educate and rehabilitate offenders to prevent future misconduct. The specific type of class assigned depends on the nature of the offense and the judgment of the court, intending to provide the individual with skills and knowledge to make better choices moving forward.

What Are the Various Kinds of Court-Ordered Classes?

Court-ordered classes are designed to address specific issues related to the legal system, aiming to rehabilitate offenders or provide them with the necessary skills to avoid future offenses. Here are various types of court-ordered classes with brief descriptions for each:


  • Anger Management Classes: These classes help individuals understand and control anger and aggressive behavior. They teach strategies for managing stress, improving communication skills, and responding to situations in a more constructive manner.
  • Substance Abuse Classes: Focused on individuals who have committed offenses related to drug or alcohol use, these classes aim to educate about the dangers of substance abuse and provide tools for recovery and avoiding relapse.
  • Shoplifting and Theft Classes: Aimed at individuals convicted of theft, these classes discuss the consequences of stealing, ethical and legal education, and strategies to avoid future theft behavior.
  • Traffic School: Although not always court-ordered, traffic school may be mandated for individuals with traffic violations. These classes focus on safe driving practices, understanding traffic laws, and reducing the risk of future infractions.


Each type of class is tailored to address the root causes of the individual's legal issues, offering education and strategies to help prevent future offenses. The specifics of what each class covers can vary depending on the provider and the jurisdiction's requirements, but the overarching goal is rehabilitation and education to encourage law-abiding behavior.

Are Court-Ordered Classes Mandatory?

Yes, court-ordered classes are mandatory for individuals who have been ordered by a court to attend them. Compliance with this requirement is often monitored, and completion is usually a condition for satisfying legal obligations, avoiding jail time, or regaining certain rights. Failure to attend or complete these classes as mandated can result in further legal consequences, including additional fines, extended probation periods, or incarceration. The classes serve as an alternative or supplement to other forms of punishment, with the idea that education and rehabilitation can be more effective in preventing future offenses.

Can You Choose Where To Take Your Court-Ordered Classes? 

Typically, individuals may have some degree of choice in where to take their court-ordered classes, but this choice is usually subject to the approval of the court or a supervising probation officer. The chosen program must meet certain criteria set by the court, such as the curriculum's content, the provider's credentials, and the class's format (in-person Zoom or online). It's crucial to select a program recognized and accepted by the court to ensure that the completion of the course will be acknowledged and fulfill the court's requirements. Individuals are advised to consult with their legal representative or the court to get a list of approved providers or to verify if a chosen provider is acceptable before enrolling in a program.

How Long Are Court-Ordered Anger Management Classes?

The duration of court-ordered anger management classes can vary significantly depending on the specific requirements of the court or the jurisdiction. However, a commonly recommended length is about 8 hours, which is considered sufficient to cover the basic and necessary skills while meeting the number of class hours most state courts mandate. Some courses may offer options ranging from 8 to 16 hours, allowing for flexibility based on the court's requirements or the individual's needs????.

How Much Do Court-Ordered Anger Management Classes Cost?

The cost of court-ordered anger management classes can also vary widely based on factors such as the provider, the length of the program, and the specific requirements set by the court. It's common for costs to range from relatively low fees for shorter courses to higher fees for extensive programs. It's advisable to check with specific providers for the most accurate pricing information, as they can offer detailed insights based on the type of class, duration, and any additional services included. The cost of anger management classes at ISAE, a leading provider of court-ordered anger management classes, can cost as little as $50 per session. 

Are Court-Ordered Classes Legit?

Regarding the legitimacy of court-ordered classes, including anger management programs, it's important to select programs that are recognized and approved by courts. Legitimacy can often be verified through the program's accreditation, the qualifications of the instructors, and the program's ability to issue a certificate of completion that is recognized by courts. When choosing an anger management class, look for programs that are offered by licensed and trained professionals and that use a well-recognized and structured curriculum. It's also recommended to ask for a program that provides a certificate of completion with a unique number that can be verified by court officials, which is a common practice among reputable programs??.

Court-Ordered Classes From Home with ISAE

Ultimately, court-ordered classes represent a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering behavioral change and compliance with legal standards. These programs fulfill legal requirements and provide valuable life skills to help individuals avoid future offenses. Through education and guided reflection, participants are encouraged to recognize the consequences of their actions and learn strategies for improvement. The effectiveness of these classes lies in their ability to offer meaningful insights and tools for a more positive and constructive future.

At the Institute for Specialized Alternative Education (ISAE), we specialize in offering court-ordered classes online. Our classes are available across the country in all 50 states. Sign up for a class today, or call us at (888)-565-1900 to inquire about which classes to take. We're here to help. 


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