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Marijuana (THC) Online

sign up for: marijuana (thc) online

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ISAE online classes are available in all 50 states.

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After sign up, we will email your online class log in information to you. If you wish to log in and begin your class immediately, click the log in button which will appear on your payment receipt page. When your class is complete, and your class work has passed our staff review, your certificate of completion will be issued. You can log back in to your class and download your certificate there, or you can find it in your email box.

Class Description

Medical & Recreational marijuana may be legal to use in many states, but marijuana use is still governed by some important regulations. Students in this class will learn the legal issues surrounding the use of marijuana as well as how the use of marijuana can affect their lives and health.

Through both lecture, student interaction, and group activities, the class will examine how the legalization of marijuana has coincided with an increase in use of THC, which increases level of frequency and use, and how those learned behaviors (known as our influences) from parents, peers, community and society impacts students' lives. This becomes the sole premise in teaching students how to recognize and understand their negative influences and begin developing more effective refusal and coping skills to eliminate negative behaviors.

If you are dealing with legal issues involving the use of marijuana or simply wish to be better educated and more able to live a healthy, positive life, sign up for an ISAE Marijuana/THC class today!



If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

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I.S.A.E. National Headquarters

850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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