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Driving While Distracted Online

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Class Description

Program Overview:
In today’s society, technology has become a significant influence in our personal and professional lives. It is the driving force to keeping us organized and connected to others all over the world. Yet, we must recognize that technology has its place and should be used in appropriate settings. Driving is not one of them!
Distracted driving has existed for more than 70 years distracted driving has continued to grow, and has now become a national problem. Were you aware that distracted driving claims about 3,000 lives annually, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration?

What exactly is distracted driving? Does distracted driving only involve the use of a cell phone?

Distracted driving is any activity that distracts attention from driving. This can include talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment, or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of driving safely. Although, texting has become the most threatening distraction while driving. Statistics identified when someone sends or reads a text message, their eyes are taken off the road for approximately 4 to 5 seconds. Think about it, at 55 mph, that would be like the driver traveling the entire length of a football field with their eyes closed! This Driving While Distracted program is designed to create an awareness around distracting or multi-tasking behaviors while behind the wheel.

Participants taking this class will learn to recognize their behaviors involving various distractions that puts themselves and others in danger of a collision. This program will assist the student in learning the differences between EQ, IQ, physical forces of a collision, reacting, responding, and the ABC’s of driving. A students’ cognitive distortions and influences will be challenged to recognize the importance of occupant safety devices and how to use them correctly, how drugs, alcohol, physical conditions, and emotions affect their driving decisions. Once this program is completed the student will have confidence in knowing the 4 main types of distractions, the use of appropriate defensive driving strategies and techniques, and how to deal with driver distractions and fatigue.

It is important to remember that a person cannot drive safely unless the task of driving has 100% of your attention, 100% of the time.

All of our instructors are trained in components of Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Social Learning Theory. Research supports Cognitive Behavioral treatment methods as one of the most effective in creating emotional and behavioral change in the shortest amount of time while also being exceptionally well suited for educational group formats. The group works through curriculum within a group-dialogue process, focusing on personal accountability.

Topics Include:
• Understanding distracted driving and recognizing various distractions
• Knowledge about the ABC’s of Driving
• Understanding how Influences + Attitude affects Actions
• Knowing the difference between EQ and IQ
• Awareness of the physical forces of a collision
• Knowing the difference between Reacting & Responding
• The 4 main types of distracted driving (visual, manual, cognitive, and auditory)
• The importance of occupant safety devices and how to use them correctly
• Recognizing how drugs, alcohol, physical conditions, and emotions affect driving
• Learning how to use appropriate defensive driving strategies and techniques

I.S.A.E. will accommodate all indigent clients as determined by the referring agency.



If you are not sure exactly what class to take, please give us a call.

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850 E 73rd Ave Suite #1A

Denver, CO 80229

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